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Submitted by: Katie Perry
In recent years, face lifts for men have grown increasingly popular. This may be due, in part, to cultural ideals that emphasize the importance of looking ones best, particularly in the workplace. Indeed, many employees both male and female believe that, as they age, plastic surgery can help them compete more effectively with their younger counterparts and advance in their careers. This may be particularly true of a man who maintains a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition and a regular exercise regimen, but feels that his aging face doesnt match his fit physique. Such a man might seek facial rejuvenation as a way to boost his self-confidence by achieving a more youthful look.
While many women are well-accustomed to being able to increase their self-confidence by altering their appearances through cosmetics, hairstyles, and other means, and do so continually throughout their lives, men for the most part do not share this same affinity, at least not to the same degree. For this and other reasons, there are some unique considerations to take into account when a man seeks a face lift or other cosmetic procedure.
The Face Lift Procedure Differs for Men and Women
Naturally, men and women have very different features and looks. Therefore, a surgeon who is performing a face lift on a man must take special care to maintain the mans traditionally masculine attributes. For example, a brow lift is a procedure that targets loose skin above the eyes and smooths the forehead for a more awake and alert look. While a brow lift is a popular procedure for women, it could potentially produce an undesired, overly feminine result when performed on a man.
The goal of face lift surgery on a man is to produce a youthful, yet masculine, look by removing fat and excess skin and tightening facial tissues, and it is important for a man to work with a highly skilled and experienced surgeon who is able to strike the proper balance needed to achieve this result.
Toward that end, a mini face lift may be a good choice for a man who is seeking rejuvenation in a specific facial area, such as his eyes, nose, or cheeks. While this procedure wont produce the same level of revitalization that can be expected from a full face lift, it is generally less invasive and requires smaller incisions, and thus is a good option for reducing the early signs of aging.
The Skin
In general, men have thicker facial skin with more muscle density than women. This characteristic can serve to make the surgical outcome more subtle because the skin is less likely to appear to have been pulled, resulting in a refreshed and well-rested appearance rather than a dramatic, overly taut look.
Thicker skin also tends to heal faster. Therefore, because men typically recover more quickly than women following facial surgery, men may be more apt to become active and overdo it during the early phases of the healing process. In order to minimize swelling and aid recovery, most surgeons recommend avoiding excessive activity for one to two weeks after surgery. Indeed, to ensure the best possible outcome, rest is absolutely essential during the first several days. A man who undergoes a face lift needs to be mindful of this recommendation, no matter how good he feels afterward.
Facial Hair
Another noteworthy anatomical difference between men and women that can affect face lift surgery is that men have facial hair. The blood supply to bearded skin is richer and more robust, and this can increase the risk of bleeding and bruising during and after surgery. Further, the bruising and swelling, as well as scarring, that follow surgery can be difficult for men to conceal because, unlike many women, men typically dont wear makeup or style their hair toward their faces. On the other hand, beard growth can help to camouflage recovering skin.
Finally, when performing a face lift, a surgeon effectively repositions a patients facial skin by lifting and redistributing deep tissue, removing excess fat, and smoothing loose skin. Because male patients have bearded skin, a surgeon must exercise special care in placing the incisions and establishing the direction of the pull to minimize changes to the position of the beard. In addition, excess tension in the hair follicles can potentially affect hair growth.
Consult with an Experienced Surgeon
Men who are interested in a face lift or other cosmetic procedure are advised to consult with a cosmetic surgeon who is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and has extensive experience in performing plastic surgery on men. The surgeon can answer questions, discuss expectations, and recommend a course of treatment to produce the desired result.
About the Author: Katie Perry is an online content editor in the Tampa Bay area. She posts articles about plastic surgery topics and procedures including plastic surgery topics and procedures, inlcuding full face lift and
mini face lift
surgery and other cosmetic procedures.
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